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Adaptive Leadership in Allied Health

April 16 @ 12:45 pm - 3:00 pm EDT


During this interactive webinar, participants will explore and apply the Adaptive Leadership principles identified by Ronald Heifetz in The Work of Leadership

Our goal with this first 90 minute "intro" is to provide an overview of adaptive leadership, and how adaptive leadership principles can be applied to work in Allied Health. This information is intended to help leaders (association leaders, volunteer leaders, organizational executives and administrators, etc.) navigate the myriad complex issues that contextualize work in the allied health and human services fields.

Ultimately, HPN believes that this sort of interactive learning opportunity may grow into a more formalized cohort-learning experience with multiple sessions over a number of weeks, but for this initial session we are asking for your input and participation, so that our future programming on this topic is appropriately aligned with your/your organization’s needs and goals. 

Participants are strongly encouraged to come to the session with their own adaptive challenges in mind. During our time together, we will be using real world examples to practice applying adaptive leadership principles/skills – the closer those real world examples come to your lived experience, the more valuable and relevant our learning experience will be.

Please continue reading below for our session objectives, and to register for this opportunity

Session Objectives:

  • To raise awareness of the underrepresentation of allied health professionals in healthcare leadership
  • To introduce the concept of adaptive leadership and its relevance to allied health
  • To equip participants with practical tools to develop adaptive leadership skills
  • To foster a supportive community for allied health leaders.

Format and time commitment:

  • A 90-minute facilitated session focused on the application of adaptive leadership techniques to work in allied health
  • Largely discussion-based with several activities which will generate notes/resource documents

Before the Workshop:

There are three items that will enhance the value of your participation in this learning opportunity. 

First, please read this blog by HPN Board Member, Nanci Burchell, which provides an overview of the lack of allied health professional (AHP) representation in organizational leadership. 

Also, please read this response from HPN staff member and our facilitator for the session, Zach McElgunn, which digs a bit deeper to explore some of the reasons behind this lack of AHP representation in leadership roles. 

Finally, check out Ronald Heifetz’s The Work of Leadership, which is a short article that does a phenomenal job of outlining the principles that we will be putting to practice with activities during our time together. 

This may feel like a lot of “pre-work” for a webinar, but again, our hope is that this session is engaging and valuable for all who attend! By preparing these materials in advance, it is HPN’s hope that we will be able to jump into the application of these ideas to maximize our time together on April 16. 

If you have any questions, or require clarification/assistance with any of the above, please feel free to email our facilitator directly at zack@gpsforgrowth.com.

We look forward to incorporating your perspective, energy, and expertise into our conversation this April 16!

Speaker Bio:

Zach McElgunn began doing behavioral health research as an undergraduate student studying the psychological and physical effects of diabetes at the University of Virginia. Since this time of poster presentations, statistical analysis, and behavioral health narrative analysis, he has spent the past 9 years working with associations and community organizations in the healthcare, behavioral health, and human services spaces to more precisely define “quality,” and understand the mechanisms that bring quality improvement goals to fruition. This includes work to achieve both individual and organizational accreditations and certifications; the development of continuing education programming; technical assistance for the implementation of well-defined models of care (i.e. EBPs); and the reduction of variability in service delivery. Currently, his work sits at the intersection of implementation science, organizational culture, and third-party evaluation of systems of practice.

Adaptive Leadership in Allied Health Registration

Contact Information

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This event is capped at 40 registrants.
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American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date


April 16
12:45 pm - 3:00 pm EDT


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