About HPN

Health Professions Network

Address: PO Box 2007, Midlothian, VA 23113
Phone: 804.639.9211

The Health Professions Network is a collaborative group representing the leading allied health professions; organizational members include:

  • Professional associations
  • Educators
  • Accreditors
  • Credentialing and licensing agencies.

The group works together in a cooperative manner on issues relevant to health care workforce development and delivery in the United States. The HPN Board of Directors and its committees, staffed by volunteers from HPN member organizations, help set the strategic direction of the HPN.

HPN Identity

The HPN is a volunteer-run association representing health care professional associations interested in interdisciplinary communication, discussion, and collaboration. Participants meet at least annually to discuss issues relating to health care and to serve as a forum for interdisciplinary problem solving and preparation for the future practice of health care.


To advocate, communicate, disseminate, and collaborate in order to position allied health professionals to ensure better care, lower cost, and better health for patients in the United States.

The Health Professions Network will accomplish this mission through:

  • Identifying issues of common interest
  • Communicating these issues to all participants
  • Facilitating feedback and reaching consensus
  • Advocating on behalf of health care professionals to the public, professional associations, federal and state policy makers

Strategic Priorities

  • Education
  • Collaboration
  • Advocacy
  • Addressing Workforce Shortages
  • Capacity & Diversity
  • The Future of Healthcare

See also: